Carrie A. Keller
Artist | Oil Painter
Carrie's art journey begins at the age of eight with oil painting lessons from her professional artist uncle, “Gerald Rowles”, in her birthplace, Bakersfield, California. She continued art instruction after moving to Windsor, Ontario with noted artists Airika B. Dalen and Bod Monks until she joined the military as a cook. Her art education was then supplemented with evening classes in Calligraphy, Watercolor, Pastel and various drawing methods.
She began giving lessons herself in Petawawa, Ontario where she left the military to pursue her art full time. The teaching continued in Germany at the military base, Lahr and her education was furthered with a summer semester in Aix-en-Provence, France.
In both Petwawa and Germany Carrie was asked to paint large interior and exterior murals so when moving to Cape Coral, Florida she set up her business, “Paintings to Order”. She made her living for the next twenty years doing murals and commissioned paintings. Her paintings were until recently on display at both Frame Gallery and Gifts and Lorne’s Gallery in Cape Coral.

Carrie followed her heart back to Canada and resided with her husband in Winchester, Ontario. She’s come full circle with painting landscape and animals in oils. She teaches Open Painting Classes in Chesterville every Thursday, is Chairman of the Art on the Waterfront Festival, active in the North Grenville Art League and sells her paintings at several show throughout Ontario every year. Carrie keeps her hand in the mural world, partnering with Shane Signs who reproduces and installs the murals in large format for her. Carrie has authored several children’s books and is currently working on an adult novel.
Danielle Branchaud, her daughter, is a well known surrealist artist living in Ft. Myers, Florida.